Monday 8 March 2010

In the garden today

It was lovely out in the garden today, such a gorgeous sunshiney spring day that I thought I would take some photos :-)

This little bird bath developed a crack a few years back so I decided to use it for plants instead. I can't for the life of me remember what this little plant is called but it lives very happily in the bird bath, as does the moss!

These buds are on a blackcurrant bush which my Mum gave me last year. It arrived wrapped in a bin-liner as since I hadn't decided where to put it, I thought I'd best get it planted in a large flower pot! Its branches were a bit spindly and "whippy" so I cut them back, hoping I wouldn't kill the poor thing. It obviously forgave me as there are lots of new buds coming through.

Sweet little crocuses in one of the raised beds.

My one and only snowdrop ~ and I have no idea how it came to be growing in the bird cage with the doves! You will have to excuse the weeds and the fact that the birdies could do with a bath ~ I haven't got started on tidying up yet.

More buds, this time on the clematis which grows on the side of the hen house.

It was very cold last night and I couldn't get any water out of the garden hose as it was frozen inside. I had to fill up the chickens' drinker at the kitchen sink! I also had to defrost said drinker with a kettle of hot water as I forgot to empty it out last night.

And here are the girls themselves ~ well, the Black Rocks anyway ~ scratching around at the weeds in the sunshine. The bantams preferred to stay indoors!

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