Friday 7 January 2011

101 Things in 1001 Days

{{{ 101 THINGS }}}

~ in ~

{{{ 1001 DAYS }}}

I expect you've noticed the new page at the top of the blog entitled 101 Things in 1001 Days, sweetie~pies.....which has remained empty and devoid of information for a good number of days up to now! Well, I really do think that 'tis only good blogging manners that I explain myself, don't you think.....

It was quite some time ago when I came across this idea and of course now I just can't remember where I first spotted it ~ I've since seen it mentioned a number of times here and there, though. When I read about it, I was very taken with the idea but just left it simmering away on the back-burner of my mind. However, since 2011 already has the distinct feeling of change and progress about it, methinks the time is now right to get the ball rolling on this one :-)

My 1001 days will run from 1st January 2011 up to 28th September 2013 ~ gosh, that seems like such a very long way off doesn't it, my loves! It's about 2 3/4 years and I'm pretty sure that I can achieve quite a number of things during that time. I've started making my list ~ although I haven't thought of 101 things just yet! ~ and will be posting what I've thought of so far in the next day or two. The list will be added to as the various ideas come to mind, so it won't be in any particular order ~ no one thing will be more important than any of the others, instead I will be dipping into the list somewhat like the pic 'n' mix on the sweetie counter ;-)

Actually, it's just occured to me that you may well not find this latest little exercise of mine interesting in the slightest, sweetie~pies LOL It's always possible, though, that something will appear on the list that sounds like a good idea to you too!

If you decide to do your own 101 Things in 1001 Days, do please leave a comment as I'd love to have a little looksie at your list, my loves ~ who knows, you may have thought of something that I'd like to add to my own list :-)

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