Sunday 3 April 2011

What a rotten night

image from FreeDigital Photos

Morning sweetie~pies!  I've been up since just after 4am *sigh*  Another night of sleeping extremely badly :-(  In the end I just got up and came downstairs for a cup of tea. I can't say that I feel 100% but there isn't really any point in dwelling on it, is there my loves ;-)

As it is Sunday, I got on the scales this morning and that didn't cheer me up either ~ I have gained 3/4 of a pound this week *sob sob*  Still, no point in dwelling on that either!  I've had a rethink and have decided to break down my goals somewhat. I am now aiming for each step to be the shedding of 10% of my weight.  I have read somewhere (it may have been on the Weight Watchers site) that each 10% excess weight an overweight person is able to shed has definite positive health effects so it seems sensible to aim for that, methinks :-)

Let's see what the coming week brings.....

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